Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Last night, I got an award for being a lying double crosser. I have never been so proud.  :P

You see, this past week a group of about 25 of us played this game called Assassins. I had never played it before, but I got really into it. What happens is everyone gets assigned a person they have to "kill" with whatever weapon they are assigned (squirt gun, silly string, spoon, flower bomb, a hug, etc.). Once you kill your person without getting killed yourself, you then take over the dead person's assignment and try to kill that person next. When the game starts, no one knows who is assigned to kill who, so it makes you paranoid and you don't trust anyone. This game really brings people together.

Anyways, I ended up being a part of a super alliance of 5 people. We worked together to take out our biggest threats and, well, basically everyone else who wasn't us. This required a lot of "acting" (lying) and I was a double agent for a while there. I had to work with our greatest enemy to help get him where we wanted so that we could take him out. That was an intense night.

This game lasted a week and last night they gave out awards. I never died which is awesome. I got glasses with a nose attached (like a disguise) for being sly. I got double dipped chocolate covered peanuts for being a double-crossing double agent. And I got a plastic ring for being apart of the super alliance. Woot! Go team.

I had a lot of fun, and I made really good friends (well...within my alliance), but I will admit that I am glad that the game is over. Now I can go outside again without being afraid that someone is lurking in the bushes to get me.

The Alliance - enjoying frosties on the porch of our arch nemesis who we had just "killed"

Unofficial silly string revenge by Brooke. I may have helped to kill her the first day of the game and she may or may not have held a grudge all week. :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Package from France

I got my first ever package from France! It was exciting because I wasn't expecting it at all. Shouldn't I be sending her packages instead? It couldn't have come on a better day, because I was having a pretty blah day up to that point. In the package was French chocolate and two letters. One from Lorraine and one from her companion. Both of them were great letters in which they shared powerful testimonies. I am so proud of my little French missionary! And I am so grateful that she bothered to send her love and support even though she is all the way on the other side of the world and very busy serving the Lord.

This is one of my favorite parts of the letter Lorraine sent me:

"Stacy - I've only been here two weeks, but I'm understanding why you loved your mission so much. You can have the worst day and then the most wonderful miracles...I've been studying grace a lot lately and it is powerful. God really loves us so much. Sometimes life is just really, really hard and God doesn't make it easier when we ask Him. But through the enabling power of the atonement, Christ can carry us through our trials."

The Alpine Loop - A Sunday Adventure

Sunday afternoon three cars worth of ward friends decided to go on a drive through the Alpine Loop. I had never been before and it was gorgeous! I was really enjoying the beautiful scenery and the perfect weather. It was unfortunate that I got car sick after a while from all the hairpin turns driving through the canyons. I have never gotten car sick before, so it was quite surprising, but I am happy to report that thanks to the care of some great friends, I never puked! Thank goodness because that would have been embarrassing. We stopped at a mini camp site to get me some fresh air and there my friend Brad begged people for motion sickness medicine. Yeah, I took unpackaged drugs from complete strangers. Brad assured me that they were nice strangers though, and the drugs worked! I just started to tingle and get loopy on our way back down the mountain. Good times. People enjoyed hanging out and throwing the Frisbee around up there too while they waited for me to feel better. So kind, so patient. I love my ward.