Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Buy my Love - Subbing style

I started my new long term sub job this week! I was super nervous going into it Monday morning because things were not working out how I had originally planned them to be. The teacher I am subbing for has decided to quit, so she's leaving me to finish the school year pretty much all on my own. She didn't give me much to work with either as far as lesson plans go, so this is a larger work load than I had been counting on. 

But so far things have turned out alright. I am scrambling, but I am getting things done. It helps that the kids all seem really happy to have a new sub. The last one was kind of...well, grouchy. I'm going to ride that wave as long as I can as students cheer and write "Freedom! She is gone!" and "Ms. Talbot is the best" on the bored when I'm not looking. I took part of the first day to introduce myself to all of my classes. Some of the 8th graders already know me from student teaching last semester, but that's it. I might have mentioned that one of the things I love is Diet Coke and that if they want to get on my good side they can bring me a soda. It was (kind of) a joke. I got my first Coke the next day. :) Having not really slept the night before, it was really appreciated.