Wednesday, March 13, 2013

God's finger

When you pray for something (righteously), you get it. I had two different experiences with this this week:

The first happened on Sunday. I was worried I wasn't doing enough with my calling during the week - serving my girls and what not, so I prayed to be better. The next day I got a phone call giving me a chance to serve. The timing was inconvenient and I am sad to say that at first I was slightly annoyed, until I realized this was exactly what I had wanted. I am grateful for service opportunities - they make me more Christ-like, and being more Christ-like makes me happy.

My second cool experience with prayer happened this morning. Lately, I have had to fight my car a little bit to shift my car out of park when I first turn on my car. Usually you have to be pushing down the break for it to allow you to change gears, right? Well, recently this has not always been enough for my car to let me back out of my parking spot. Usually after pumping my break a few times and/or doing some expert jiggling or sometimes even turning off my car and restarting it, I am able to overcome this little inconvenience. This morning though, none of these options were working, and I was going to be late for work. I was frustrated, and like usually happens in these types of situations, the hasty thought passed through my mind "God, I could use some help right now!" But nothing changed about my situation. I finally realized that a half angry thought really didn't count as a prayer. I needed to actually stop and ask Him for help. So I stopped fighting my car, took a breath, actually closed my eyes and folded my arms and really prayed that God would fix my car so that I could go to work. As soon as I said the words "Please help me put my car in reverse" I heard a click and I knew that God had loosened the gears. I immediately reached out and without any resistance, was able to put my car into reverse. I said thanks and rushed off to work, but the whole way there I thought about how awesome it is that we are sometimes able to see such obvious answers to prayers. The coolest thing of all though, is that God answers our prayers even more often than that! Its just that His answers are not always that immediate or obvious. God is waiting to bless us, we just need to ask! Anyways, I felt like an angel mechanic was actually there in my car with me this morning. Or like God's finger came down and flicked my shifter loose. Whichever one, it was awesome.   

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