Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why "Drops of Sunshine"?

It all started my freshman year of college. It was the only time in my life that I went running regularly (I know, probably a shocker to anyone who knows me now that I use to run willingly). It helped that I had a very determined running buddy who got me out the door each evening. Being in our first year of college, life was sometimes really stressful and most days usually just consisted of long hours on campus doing boring stuff - homework, quizzes, tests, work, reading...lots and lots of reading. It made it hard sometimes to come up with anything fun (or at least not depressing) to talk about while doing our laps. It was then, in my attempts at making positive conversation, that I started asking the question: "What was the best part of your day?" because even in the most uneventful/horrible days, there had to be something that was our favorite moment even if the only thing we could come up with for that day was a funny YouTube video or a cute boy smiling at us in class. 
        I call these moments drops of sunshine in an otherwise hazy day. They are like that moment when you step out of a cold, dim-lit building and into the sunlight outside and you finally feel the sun's rays hugging you with warmth. To me, that is the best feeling.
       I believe that if we reflect on our days that we will find those drops of sunshine. Its important that we do because it's only when we notice them that we can appreciate them. I don't believe that we are limited to only one drop of sunshine a day either. It's just that somedays they are harder to find than others. But there is always one - there has to be because no matter what there has to be a best part to your day. All you have to do is think about it and choose it. 
       I am now in my last semester in college, I don't go running regularly, and except for facebook I don't have any contact with my old running buddy. But I still love asking that question, so I decided turn it into a blog. This is weird for me. I never thought I would join the blogging world, but here I am. I am hoping that this will help me to be a more positive and grateful person. I really need that right now because quite honestly, as I sit here on my couch trapped in my apartment by the snow that won't stop dumping outside, I feel like I could use a little extra sunshine in my life.
       So here it goes. These are my drops of sunshine - my tender mercies from the Lord...

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