Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

    The new year is a good time to pick blogging back up again, right? I love writing, but the last half of this past year was just not something I wanted to blog about. There was just too much negative stuff with too many emotions involved, so while I wrote a ton about it in my own personal journals, it's not something that I would ever put here. If I ignored all the crappy and super personal, then what was left for me to blog would have been a whole lot of boring. (For example: "I started a new show on Netflix today...") So yeah, you're welcome that I didn't post all that.

I don't remember who said it, but I read somewhere that:

"There are years that ask questions and 
there are years that give answers."

Well, if that's the case, then 2013 was definitely a question year for me. It started out alright (though I think I jinxed it by starting the New Year out with the wrong person). Winter semester 2013 was pretty good. I was confused about a lot of life decisions (mainly career-wise) and my roommates were struggling with some crazy stuff themselves, but I for the most part felt like I was on top. I was the happy, non-broken one in the apartment. 
     But true to life, that didn't last long. I'm not bitter about it, in fact I can see purpose in it, but that doesn't mean that I want to live it ever again. I'm still not 100% out of it yet, but I am on my way. 2014 is my answer year. I can feel it!
     I am one of those people who usually hates New Years. I'm not a partier, so I don't look forward to that, and I hate change so New Years usually just makes me sad. I think about how much I didn't get done the year before and I feel overwhelmed over all I will have to do in the year to come. New Years past have not been so fun, but this year, for the first time I woke up ridiculously happy it was the last day of 2013 ever. I have never felt so completely done with a year as I was with 2013, and I have never looked more forward to the future than I did for 2014. I have absolutely no idea what this year will hold or even where I will be 6 months from now, but I finally feel ready for the change. I want it and I think I will embrace it. 2014 holds all my hopes and dreams.

Unlike last year, this time I started the New Year out right: on a beach with my best friends, so it's got to be a great one, right? 

Happy New Year 2014, everybody! 
I hope it's a year full of answers for all of us.     


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