VPLCT on ABC4 News!
After camping out in a parking lot for 24 hours in 18 degree weather, 21 of my friends and I got a whole lot of free Chick-fil-a, and I was on the news! Varsity Parking Lot Camping Team, thank you for letting me join your ranks. It was cold, slightly crazy, but definitely worth it.
I went home Thursday morning freezing, dirty, and tired, but happy. Dude, my life is fun!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
News from Sweden
Today I was able to hear from my sister who is finishing up her last few transfers of her LDS mission in Sweden. I get e-mails from her every Monday (something I always look forward to), but today's was particularly great. I love hearing that she is doing well and that she is having success in the work. I also love seeing how much she is learning and growing because of her experiences there. Well, this letter was one of the best ones I have ever gotten from her. It made me cry, probably because it was exactly what I needed to read this morning. I am so grateful that we can seek to have the guidance of the Spirit constantly in our lives. I need it!
So here it is. I'm sure she doesn't know how much this letter has helped me:
Hej Hej!
So here it is. I'm sure she doesn't know how much this letter has helped me:
Hej Hej!
Well it has been really quite a good week! I don't even know where to start!
This week I really made a goal to do all that I could to follow the spirit in everything that I did, and so I prayed alot, I prayed before I got on any tram or bus that I would know who to sit by, I prayed before every lesson, just as we were on our way there... Now don't get me wrong I prayed alot for guidance before this week, but this week I made a special effort to focus on it, and as a result I don't think I've ever felt so guided on my mission! It was amazing! So here are my experiences!
On one tram I got onto I was sitting next to a man probably in his thirties and so I contacted him praying that I would know what to say, and we got talking and it turns out his wife is from Manila Philippines! And I was like no way! my boy friend lives there! And then we got talking and I asked if his wife was religious because I had a book in Tagalog about Jesus Christ! Had he said she was and invited me over for coffee haha, I told him that we would love to come, but that we don't drink coffee so saft (a swedish juice) would be great! So we went yesterday! They are such a cute couple! And it was really cool getting to hear about the Philippines! She's a strong Catholic so I don't know if she will be open to learning now, but we are planting seeds and they said we are welcome to come back! :)
We got a referral from the office so I called the man and he said he wanted a BoM but was very persistent that he did not want to meet with us, just get the book and read for himself... He wanted me to just mail it haha, but I finally got him to agree to just meet us in town so that we could give him the Book. Well stuff happened and we ended up not making it and then it turns out that he had completely forgotten so he called to apologize and then he said that he had been doing alot of thinking that day and soul searching and that he didn't feel like he needed the book anymore... And my first thought was OH NO! Satan has gotten to him!!!!! SO I was just trying to figure out what I could do to not lose him! Well there is a promise in the Scriptures that states that we will be given what we need to say in those moments, and for the first time I felt that promise fulfilled very strongly! I had know idea what to say, but somehow I just started talking... I asked him how he had heard of the church in the first place and he said that he has been searching for something his whole life and has been trying to find truth and answers and so he had researched alot of churches and had read about the BoM, and then he asked me the golden question: "So how have you come to know your beliefs are true?" And the thought just came to my head 'TESTIFY!!!!!!!! as much as possible!' So I just started to testify of how I know the things I know are true and the power of prayer and the ability everyone has to pray and know truth and how the BoM gives us the rest of the truth and that everyone needs to read it to know and that that is why I am here so that people like him who are searching can find those answers! And when I was done all he said was "you sound like a very interesting person, do you have more time that we could discuss over the phone?" Which I didn't then so I called back a little later and basically taught the whole first discussion and by the end he wanted to meet so we could talk more! So we will be meeting this week! Which is awesome because originally all he wanted was to get the book and now we get to meet and teach him!!!! It was awesome!!!
On Sunday I played if you could hie to Kolob... Its a very hard arrangement if you remember. Well I just did not have much time to practice all week and saturday night we were at the institute waiting for an investigator and a member was there with us, Karine (She is from Brazil and is here as an au pair and she is very shy and has a hard time making friends I've noticed, so we have tried to get her out helping us with missionary work because she loves to do that) well we had about 20 minutes and so I decided to take that opportunity to practice for the next day because I really was having a hard time getting through the end of that piece... Well I started playing and the thought came to me that I should spend that time talking to Karine with sis M instead... but I resisted because I really needed to practice and that was my last chance, but the feeling just got stronger to not spend that time playing but to got share a spiritual thought with Karine... so I hesitantly stopped, but was reassured with a feeling of peace that if I spent my time now doing the Lords work that the Lord would help me play better the next day... So I went back and we shared our favorite scriptures with her about the strength Christ can give us, and then she just opened up. She's been having a really hard time to the point where the day before she had been crying alot. :( And then on top of that she hates how shy she is, and that she only feels comfortably with us missionaries and that the language barrier doesn't help either... And so we were able to comfort her a little and we are going to help her with Swedish. And I realized that one of my strengths is the fact that I am not shy at all, I'll talk to anyone! And so I made a deal with her that when we were at activities that if she was having a hard time talking to anyone, then she could stick with me and I could help her get talking to someone and then I could kinda drift away so she could continue talking! And she really liked that idea!
I am so thankful I was able to give up piano at that moment to do the work of the Lord. He loves his daughters and counts our tears and he needed us there for her that evening :) I didn't get to practice that night, but on Sunday I played it better than any of the times I had practiced, in fact it was flawless and I know that was because the Lord holds his promises and he assured my playing to go well because I had sacrificed my practice for him! It gives me so much hope for when I get home and need to catch up on soooo much with piano, I know that if I continue to give my time to the Lord, everything will be fine with piano in the future!
So this week really has been a testimony to me of guidance we can receive when we earnestly seek for it! I am so thankful I have been able to be a tool in the Lords hands and hope to continue to be a diligent worker and follower of the spirit for the rest of my life really!
Wow this email is sooooo long! But one more thing! We got another referral from the office! His name is Anton and he is 25 and had met missionaries years ago when he did a project about religion at his school! He really wants to change his life and is completely ready for the gospel! We met with him last week and he is the by far the most humble sincere person I have ever taught! He has already ready almost the whole first book of Nephi since thursday and he came to church on Sunday and the ward members just took him in! He loved church and said it felt like home!!! He is soooo great! Wow I feel so blessed to be the missionary that gets to teach him!
President called this week and said that I will be training one more sister here in Göteborg!!!! so I will never be transferred again! Its a weird feeling, but I am so grateful I get to stay! Sis M will be training a new sister In Västerhaninge, which is one of the best areas ever!!! so she is excited to go there! The new missionaries come March 5!
Well I hope you have a great week!
Love you all!
I have said it a million times and I will say it a million times more: MISSIONS ARE THE BEST!!!
Como llego tu cara alla? Jaja
There were so many good moments in my day yesterday. I went to stake conference which meant I got to sleep in a little bit and take a break from the usual Sunday routine. Plus, I thought stake conference was so great. I think you take out of it what you go into it searching for, so its sad to me when people make themselves go to meetings with a bad attitude of: I already know this stuff and its going to be so boring. They shut the door to the Spirit of revelation and it makes being there such a waste! I tried not to do that. While I admit that I let myself get distracted a few times by the funny people around me, I still was able to listen and take notes and I learned some pretty cool things and got some pretty important answers.
In the afternoon after talking about missions and stuff, I found myself missing Spanish a lot. I just wanted to talk in Spanish all day and I told my roommates that. It was so cool when Lorraine indulged me and tried to speak Spanish with me. Then she switched. She spoke French and I replied in Spanish. It was a little tricky (I really don't know a thing about French), but it worked. Especially since we had Becca who knows French and Anna who speaks Spanish sitting there helping us out. Haha. I love speaking other languages! It opens you up a whole new world. I wish I could speak Spanish more.
In the afternoon after talking about missions and stuff, I found myself missing Spanish a lot. I just wanted to talk in Spanish all day and I told my roommates that. It was so cool when Lorraine indulged me and tried to speak Spanish with me. Then she switched. She spoke French and I replied in Spanish. It was a little tricky (I really don't know a thing about French), but it worked. Especially since we had Becca who knows French and Anna who speaks Spanish sitting there helping us out. Haha. I love speaking other languages! It opens you up a whole new world. I wish I could speak Spanish more.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Planet Earth
I only got three hours of sleep last night. It wasn't very responsible when I knew I had to get up early to sub the next morning. Of course I woke up this morning super tired, but was I grumpy? No, which is kind of a big deal because I am not a morning person, but today was different. How could I be grumpy when I knew I was going to be paid to watch Planet Earth all day? Best sub job ever.
Granted, I had to watch the same desert episode of Planet Earth over and over and over and over and over and over again. I think I can recite/act out the whole thing from memory now. I love Planet Earth, but I don't want to watch that section of it ever again. :)
Granted, I had to watch the same desert episode of Planet Earth over and over and over and over and over and over again. I think I can recite/act out the whole thing from memory now. I love Planet Earth, but I don't want to watch that section of it ever again. :)
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Baggy Pants
That moment when you discover that an article of clothing that use to be too tight is now too big. I am loving this. I don't care that I can't wear most of my jeans anymore. It's so worth it.
Although, I probably shouldn't have eaten all those frosting covered graham crackers today... :P
Although, I probably shouldn't have eaten all those frosting covered graham crackers today... :P
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
"Friend" Playlist
Today, I was a good girl and I did homework all day. It was the worst.
Tonight, Becca started a spur of the moment dance party in the kitchen. It was the best.
Also, shout out to Lorraine who has offered to be my World History tutor. She is my life saver today, in more ways than one. :)
Tonight, Becca started a spur of the moment dance party in the kitchen. It was the best.
Also, shout out to Lorraine who has offered to be my World History tutor. She is my life saver today, in more ways than one. :)
Best Sandwich Ever
I am grateful for my Robyn friend. She listens to my crazy stories, makes me the most delicious panini sandwiches ever, and even gave me a pretty dress! I left her house yesterday feeling like it was Christmas (or maybe that had to do with the bag of Christmas ornaments she gave me to take home as well). She bothers to take an interest in my life when she is so busy and has so many other interesting things to do and talents to pursue. When I need to talk things out, she lets me. It might be painfully boring for her, but it helps me a ton. Thanks Robyn!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Tent Day
Last night my roommates set up a tent for us to sleep in in our livingroom. We thought this would make up for the camping trip to Moab that we ended up not going on this weekend. This morning we woke up late and then made ourselves a nice breakfast. We wanted to enjoy the holiday, of course, before facing all the stuff we had been procrastinating over the weekend. It wasn't long, though, before we ended up back in the tent again. We watched Community while lazying around and/or working on homework in the comfort of our blanket filled tent. Eventually it turned into a sort of a challenge. How long can we stay in the tent? So for the most part Anna, Becca, and I spent the whole day in there - all 24 hours. It was one of those silly, pretty-much-pointless things that we talked ourselves into doing just so that we could say we did it.
Was it a waste of a day? Maybe. But my thought on it is this: How cool is it that I get along with my roommates so well that we will willingly spend a whole day together in a small tent?
Was it a waste of a day? Maybe. But my thought on it is this: How cool is it that I get along with my roommates so well that we will willingly spend a whole day together in a small tent?
Ode to the Presidents
3 Day Weekend!!! It's been a good one for so many reasons! Here are just a few of them:
- Sunshine!
- I got a cute new shirt for only $4.80 - Yay for guilt free purchases!
- I heard some great news from a friend of mine.
- Anna's Birthday Breakfast for Dinner Party was a yummy success!
- Hot pink leggings.
- My roommates and I slept in a tent in our living room. For sleeping on the floor, I slept pretty good!
- Getting e-mails from my sister who is on her mission in Sweden is always good.
- Sunshine!
- I got a cute new shirt for only $4.80 - Yay for guilt free purchases!
- I heard some great news from a friend of mine.
- Anna's Birthday Breakfast for Dinner Party was a yummy success!
- Hot pink leggings.
- My roommates and I slept in a tent in our living room. For sleeping on the floor, I slept pretty good!
- Getting e-mails from my sister who is on her mission in Sweden is always good.
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The Birthday Girl |
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Shoe Swap! Unfortunately these are the only pictures we took of the Breakfast Party. :( |
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Unexpected Words
Sometimes people say things around you that end up being exactly what you needed to hear. That happened to me yesterday. This person probably didn't realize that they were helping me in anyway, but I am so grateful. Usually, God sends us tender mercies, messages, and answers to our prayers through other people. I want to live my life in such a way that I can lift others and be the answer to their prayers too.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Smootchy lips everywhere.
I only felt slightly embarrassed when I went around and delivered Valentine's in my crazy pants that afternoon. They are just a little loud, but so fun! In the evening I randomly decided to invite a bunch of ward friends to come hang out and watch a movie in my apartment. A lot of people were there and they were all jealous of our pants. Valentine's Day success.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Are you a magnet? Cause I'm attracted to you.
I love celebrating holidays. Why not jump on that opportunity to have some fun and change up the routine a little bit? I know Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow, but today in preparation for the big day, I looked up some awesome pick up lines. Here are some of my favorites:
- Do you have a band aid? I hurt my knee when I fell for you.
- If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction.
- Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven?
- Thief! You just stole my heart.
- Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
- If I said you have a nice body, would you hold it against me?
- Are you a tamale? Cause you're hot.
- I hope there is a fireman around, cause you are smokin'!
- Do you have a library card? Because I'm checking you out.
- I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
- You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket?
- I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.
- My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.
- There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.
- Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
- Your daddy must have been a baker, because you've got a nice set of buns.
- Is your dad a terrorist? Because you are the bomb.
- Let's make like a fabric softener and 'Snuggle.
- (hold out hand) Would you hold this for me while I go for a walk?
- Can you pull this heart-shaped arrow out of my butt? A darn little kid with wings shot me.
These, combined with my super awesome, smootchy-lip covered leggings are bound to result in a successful Valentine's Day tomorrow. ;)
- Do you have a band aid? I hurt my knee when I fell for you.
- If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction.
- Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven?
- Thief! You just stole my heart.
- Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
- If I said you have a nice body, would you hold it against me?
- Are you a tamale? Cause you're hot.
- I hope there is a fireman around, cause you are smokin'!
- Do you have a library card? Because I'm checking you out.
- I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
- You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket?
- I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.
- My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.
- There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.
- Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
- Your daddy must have been a baker, because you've got a nice set of buns.
- Is your dad a terrorist? Because you are the bomb.
- Let's make like a fabric softener and 'Snuggle.
- (hold out hand) Would you hold this for me while I go for a walk?
- Can you pull this heart-shaped arrow out of my butt? A darn little kid with wings shot me.
These, combined with my super awesome, smootchy-lip covered leggings are bound to result in a successful Valentine's Day tomorrow. ;)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Every year my mom sends me a Valentine's Day package, and for some reason every year I am surprised by it. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Buenas Dias, Clase
Substitute teachers - the opportunity for students to cut loose and mess with an adult's head, right? Usually I don't have problems, but yesterday a 7th grade student tried to pull a "No hablo ingles" trick on me for the entertainment of the class. I heard him planning it with his friends before the bell rang. He would only speak Spanish and acted confused about everything I said. Boy were they surprised when I responded in fluent Spanish myself. What the what? White Girl speaks Spanish? Yeah, that's right. I totally showed them up (In a very professional way, of course).
The best part was that then that kid not only couldn't get out of doing work because he "didn't understand the instructions", but also he was stuck so that he couldn't speak English with his non-Spanish speaking friends for the rest of class to cover for his lie. Ha.
I LOVE that I speak Spanish!
The best part was that then that kid not only couldn't get out of doing work because he "didn't understand the instructions", but also he was stuck so that he couldn't speak English with his non-Spanish speaking friends for the rest of class to cover for his lie. Ha.
I LOVE that I speak Spanish!
Monday, February 11, 2013
"How did I get here?"
Sundays are so great, busy, but so, so great. I had church responsibilities that took up most of my day, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being a part of a ward. I have always been a member of a LDS ward, but participating and just being a member are two different things. I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to serve and be so involved in the ward I am in now. I don't want to get too deep into the details, but it is true that about 1 1/2 years ago I prayed about where to live at BYU, and God led me here. Here, where I have the best roommates, the biggest callings I've ever had, and made so many great friends. I am so grateful I prayed and asked and ended up here!
The interesting thing was that all my original plans had to get completely messed up in such a way that I pretty much lost everything in order for me to be able to get to where I am now. It was the end of summer, I was homeless, and school started in just a few weeks. I prayed and prayed asking God to show me where I should go so I could be happy, have good roommates, a nice apartment, etc. and for weeks I didn't feel directed or inspired in any way. It wasn't until the Thursday before classes started, and by this point I was feeling pretty desperate, that I was reading my scriptures and was inspired with the thought that I needed to change my prayer. That day when I prayed, I didn't ask God for what would make me happy, instead I prayed and said: "God, lead me to where you want me to be - where I can serve and play an active part in the ward." Then I got online and found an apartment contract on sale for where I am now and from there everything just clicked into place. Nice apartment, great location, the best roommates I have ever had, awesome ward, and a calling that got me involved from day one. My point to this, I guess, is that by seeking out God's will instead of my own, things worked out way better than I ever could have imagined. I ended up with everything I wanted and more.
I didn't intend to blog about this experience today. I guess I just have been thinking about it a lot lately because I know a few people, (let's be honest: I'm one of them), who are currently struggling with understanding and accepting God's will for them at this time in their lives. It happens to all of us at some point. Its only natural because its hard to take that step of faith, leave our comfort zone, and do something that seems so hard when we can't even see where it is exactly we are headed. The unknown future is scary and I for one hate change.
But that is where faith comes in. We have to trust that though we don't understand how, in the end everything will work out so much better for us if we choose to follow God's path instead of our own. Little sacrifices that we have to make in order to pursue God's will is in reality nothing compared to the blessings we will receive later. I mean think about it, God's plan for each and every one of us (His children) is the only one that can help us reach our highest potential. We can't get there any other way, and especially not on our own, so why doubt and why take any other path?
Still, I know it's hard in the moment. Its so frustrating not seeing the big picture and having to wait, wait, and sometimes wait even longer. But I can testify through my own experiences that it is all worth it. When you finally get to stop and wonder in awe: "How did I get here? How did things end up working so perfectly that I was able to do, learn, and accomplish all this?" then you will feel one hundred percent in you heart that giving up your will for God's, no matter how hard or scary it seemed in the beginning, was so worth it.
The interesting thing was that all my original plans had to get completely messed up in such a way that I pretty much lost everything in order for me to be able to get to where I am now. It was the end of summer, I was homeless, and school started in just a few weeks. I prayed and prayed asking God to show me where I should go so I could be happy, have good roommates, a nice apartment, etc. and for weeks I didn't feel directed or inspired in any way. It wasn't until the Thursday before classes started, and by this point I was feeling pretty desperate, that I was reading my scriptures and was inspired with the thought that I needed to change my prayer. That day when I prayed, I didn't ask God for what would make me happy, instead I prayed and said: "God, lead me to where you want me to be - where I can serve and play an active part in the ward." Then I got online and found an apartment contract on sale for where I am now and from there everything just clicked into place. Nice apartment, great location, the best roommates I have ever had, awesome ward, and a calling that got me involved from day one. My point to this, I guess, is that by seeking out God's will instead of my own, things worked out way better than I ever could have imagined. I ended up with everything I wanted and more.
I didn't intend to blog about this experience today. I guess I just have been thinking about it a lot lately because I know a few people, (let's be honest: I'm one of them), who are currently struggling with understanding and accepting God's will for them at this time in their lives. It happens to all of us at some point. Its only natural because its hard to take that step of faith, leave our comfort zone, and do something that seems so hard when we can't even see where it is exactly we are headed. The unknown future is scary and I for one hate change.
But that is where faith comes in. We have to trust that though we don't understand how, in the end everything will work out so much better for us if we choose to follow God's path instead of our own. Little sacrifices that we have to make in order to pursue God's will is in reality nothing compared to the blessings we will receive later. I mean think about it, God's plan for each and every one of us (His children) is the only one that can help us reach our highest potential. We can't get there any other way, and especially not on our own, so why doubt and why take any other path?
Still, I know it's hard in the moment. Its so frustrating not seeing the big picture and having to wait, wait, and sometimes wait even longer. But I can testify through my own experiences that it is all worth it. When you finally get to stop and wonder in awe: "How did I get here? How did things end up working so perfectly that I was able to do, learn, and accomplish all this?" then you will feel one hundred percent in you heart that giving up your will for God's, no matter how hard or scary it seemed in the beginning, was so worth it.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Happy Chinese New Year!
It was completely by coincidence and yet so appropriate that on the Chinese New Year I went to a baptism in Chinese. A new friend of mine recently came to Utah from China to go to school here at BYU and through this experience was introduced to the Mormon Church. She gained a testimony of her own that the church is true and decided to get baptized. I have not been to a convert baptism in a long time, and I almost missed this one for various reasons, but even though I showed up a little late, I was so glad I was there! It was the coolest, most spiritual experience I have had in a while which is crazy because pretty much the whole baptismal service was in Chinese. But you know what? That doesn't matter. The Spirit of God speaks a universal language that we all can understand by speaking through feelings to our hearts. Today it testified to me that God is the God of the whole world and that Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for ALL of our sins. Not just for the Jews, not just for Christians, and not just for the Western World. Though right now China will not open its doors to the LDS missionaries, God still knows, loves, and is aware of His children there. His work moves forward and it cannot be stopped by men. Bei Bei (my friend) is now sharing the gospel with her family and friends back home in China.
My favorite moment at the baptism was when we sang the hymn: "I Believe in Christ." Half the congregation sang it in Chinese and the rest in English, and yet the song and the message it sent was the same. Congratulations Bei Bei and Happy New Year! Here's to the greatest new beginning you will ever experience.
My favorite moment at the baptism was when we sang the hymn: "I Believe in Christ." Half the congregation sang it in Chinese and the rest in English, and yet the song and the message it sent was the same. Congratulations Bei Bei and Happy New Year! Here's to the greatest new beginning you will ever experience.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Last night I watched Never Say Never for the first time. I was promised that it would change my life if I did. I'm still not sure if the life-changing happened, but I can say that the whole way to work this morning I kept flipping through my radio stations hoping to find a Justin Bieber song. I never thought that I would do that. Ha. "Never say never".
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Walk a mile in a person's boot
Last night I had the opportunity of serving my roommate, Becca (aka: The Cripple). I'm not tooting my own horn because it wasn't my idea. She was plopped down in a chair that sucks you in with her feet elevated when she asked me if I could do something to for her. I thought it would be "help me up" or "get me a drink of water" or something equally reasonable like that, but it turned out that the favor she wanted was: "Stacy, will you please put on my boot?" It was the weirdest service I have ever done...well, actually that's not true, but this still is up there on the list of weird.
So I put on Becca's boot and tromped around the apartment in it, much to Becca's amusement. Man, it was surprising how tricky that boot is to walk in. It's so heavy and clunky and, obviously, it restricts movement. I had to try everything in it so I waddled (that's what happens when you try to run), I marched upstairs and down, I went down into the parking garage so I could experience walking up and down hill. I tried kneeling in it, sleeping in it, standing up in it, sitting with my legs crossed...pretty much everything. I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what exactly Becca is going through. You see, I was only dealing with the inconvenience of the boot; I didn't have the pain that comes with a broken/swollen foot along with it. Poor, Becca.
But you know what? I really respect her for having such a good attitude about this unexpected trial. She may not feel like she has been very positive, but she really has been. She has been able to laugh at herself and find the fun in her situation. Like letting me call her "my cripple", wearing colorful socks and naming her boot Joseph, calling me "mom" when I give her rides to school, totally taking advantage of the handicap parking, seeking answers to the question "What can I learn from this?" instead of asking "Why me?", and laughing at me as I try to do what she does in the boot every day. Yep, given everything, Becca is doing great.
And I mean, really, it was pretty hilarious how pathetic I was in that boot.
P.S. On a completely different note. I totally made blueberry-banana bread out of an unwanted frozen fruit smoothie yesterday and it tasted good! I think I deserved the Domestic Goddess award yesterday for that little miracle in the kitchen. ;)
So I put on Becca's boot and tromped around the apartment in it, much to Becca's amusement. Man, it was surprising how tricky that boot is to walk in. It's so heavy and clunky and, obviously, it restricts movement. I had to try everything in it so I waddled (that's what happens when you try to run), I marched upstairs and down, I went down into the parking garage so I could experience walking up and down hill. I tried kneeling in it, sleeping in it, standing up in it, sitting with my legs crossed...pretty much everything. I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what exactly Becca is going through. You see, I was only dealing with the inconvenience of the boot; I didn't have the pain that comes with a broken/swollen foot along with it. Poor, Becca.
But you know what? I really respect her for having such a good attitude about this unexpected trial. She may not feel like she has been very positive, but she really has been. She has been able to laugh at herself and find the fun in her situation. Like letting me call her "my cripple", wearing colorful socks and naming her boot Joseph, calling me "mom" when I give her rides to school, totally taking advantage of the handicap parking, seeking answers to the question "What can I learn from this?" instead of asking "Why me?", and laughing at me as I try to do what she does in the boot every day. Yep, given everything, Becca is doing great.
And I mean, really, it was pretty hilarious how pathetic I was in that boot.
P.S. On a completely different note. I totally made blueberry-banana bread out of an unwanted frozen fruit smoothie yesterday and it tasted good! I think I deserved the Domestic Goddess award yesterday for that little miracle in the kitchen. ;)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
...and carry a big stick.
Last night I had one of those conversations with my roommates where I was laughing so hard I ended up on the floor multiple times. Sometimes you just have to laugh about those things that are hard in life. :)
By the way, did you know that yesterday was World Nutella Day? I took full advantage of that excuse to eat nutella on everything.
By the way, did you know that yesterday was World Nutella Day? I took full advantage of that excuse to eat nutella on everything.
Monday, February 4, 2013
My heart aches for you...
I usually enjoy FHE, but tonight I will admit I was not overly excited when I found out we were doing crafts: Valentine's Day crafts. You see, I was always the girl who was content to sit and watch other people make beautiful things while I made pleasant conversation. Tonight was no different. I just sat there for a while, overwhelmed by all fancy, pintrest-worthy paper surrounding me. I was pretty certain I would not be touching the stuff. I only mustered up the courage to attack such a fluffy project when I finally had the inspired thought that I was wasting an opportunity to do something (even if small) for someone else. I decided horrible, mushy, over-the-top romantic Valentines must be made. Yes, the love notes I wrote on my little paper hearts were quite magical. It was a delightful way to bring a smile to a few friends faces and I ended up enjoying making them too. It was a little thing, but I was glad I got over my impatience with crafts in favor of doing something nice-ish for someone else. Later, during the "after party," I somehow ended up leg wrestling for the first time in years - awesome, but I totally got owned.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Our means of travel
What a crazy busy weekend! But I still found time to think about my favorite moments of each day.
Friday I was grateful for the temple and that I was able to catch up with some really good friends of mine.
Saturday my drop of sunshine was learning that my roomy Anna had cleaned the kitchen for me the night before in preparation for a waffle breakfast I was throwing the next day. Having a spotless kitchen made my morning go so much smoother!
And today the best part of the day (besides getting to spend time with a lot of awesome individuals) was going to church. My favorite part was especially the Relief Society lesson where we learned about Faith, Hope, and Charity. I really felt the Spirit during that lesson and I learned that I can have faith and hope in God's perfect plan for me. "Happiness is not a destination, it is a means of travel."
Friday I was grateful for the temple and that I was able to catch up with some really good friends of mine.
Saturday my drop of sunshine was learning that my roomy Anna had cleaned the kitchen for me the night before in preparation for a waffle breakfast I was throwing the next day. Having a spotless kitchen made my morning go so much smoother!
And today the best part of the day (besides getting to spend time with a lot of awesome individuals) was going to church. My favorite part was especially the Relief Society lesson where we learned about Faith, Hope, and Charity. I really felt the Spirit during that lesson and I learned that I can have faith and hope in God's perfect plan for me. "Happiness is not a destination, it is a means of travel."
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